Worst fruits for diabetes

by | Mar 4, 2018 | 0 comments

Diabetes is one of the most common and widespread diseases nowadays. More and more people are suffering from diabetes due to their lifestyle and diet habits. Type 2 diabetes is more common which is caused by insulin resistance. Insulin is a hormone which controls blood sugar level in our body.  There may be a number of factors causing diabetes in the human body, like genetics, obesity, junk food and unhealthy diet, smoking, alcohol and more. Here I will explain which are the worst fruits for diabetes and how to stay away from diabetes for healthy body and life.

Worst fruits for diabetes

Worst fruits for diabetes and how to stay away from diabetes

Fruit smoothies

Yup, it may look healthier but it is not. Fruit smoothies contain low fiber and high sugar which leads to diabetes. As there is less fiber to slow down the digestion, it boosts the blood sugar level quickly.

Dry fruits

It may sound weird but this is true that eating dry fruits regularly may lead to high blood sugar. Dry fruits have low fiber content compared to raw fruit. It is fine to include dry fruits occasionally in your diet. Avoid dry fruit consumption on regular basic prevent diabetes.

White bread

Most people consume white bread on daily basis for breakfast and snacks like sandwich or toast. This is the worst food your body can have. White bread contains processed grains which leads to high blood sugar level.. Focus more on whole grain food items.


Easting vegetables with high starch content. for example, sweet potatoes may lead to overweight and high blood sugar. Better combine your starch diet with carbohydrate-rich fruits like rice. This will give you a balanced diet

Red meat

Red meat is the worst food your body can have. There is a high risk of heart disease due to cholesterol and diabetes. However, it is not confirmed in research how red meat causes diabetes, its high iron content may damage insulin-producing cells which control blood sugar level in our body. So there is always a risk of diabetes associated with consumption of red meat.

Grilled food

You can not avoid char in case of grilled food. Char may damage our insulin-producing cells which may lead to diabetes. You can remove particular blacken the d part of the grilled food. I recommend avoiding grilled food completely to prevent yourself from diabetes.

Processed foods

Processed foods contain preservatives and other harmful ingredients which increase the risk of diabetes type 2. Daily consumption of processed food may have more than fifty percent chances of causing diabetes. Prefer potatoes over french fries.

Frozen foods

Frozen foods contain flavor enhancer and preservative. This results in high blood sugar. Avoid all heat and serve foods

Energy drinks

Energy drinks contain high sugar even though it claims to be zero calories. They are rich in sodium and sugar which is harmful to you. Prefer normal to cold water.

How to stay away from diabetes

There are many factors that cause diabetes, but when it comes to food, avoid processed foods on a regular basis which are different from their native form. Choose raw food as much as possible to prevent the risk of developing diabetes. Consume whole grain than processed carbohydrates. Carefully checks nutrients information on product description. For example, most cereals have a negligible amount of fiber content even though they claim it to be a healthy diet.

People with diabetes have a high risk of heart attack and stroke. Avoid foods with high saturated fat. If you find “hydrogenated oil” in product ingredients list, better avoid those products as it contains trans fat even though they claim zero trans fat in the product description.


By now, you must be aware how to stay away from diabetes. There are many other factors responsible for diabetes. Unhealthy unscheduled diet is the most common cause of high blood sugar level. This results in diabetes. Avoid these worst fruits for diabetes.

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