3 main causes of obesity in men

by | Feb 20, 2018 | 0 comments

Obesity is one of the most common problems faced by men. Most people want to get rid of it. But before breaking the treadmill in the gym or reducing your plate size, you need to consider the actual root cause of obesity.  There may be a number of reasons for having obesity. Primarily, there are 3 main causes of obesity in men as below.

3 main causes of obesity in men and prevention tips

There are various factors like biological, behavioral and environmental, responsible for obesity. Let us dig more about each in details.


In most cases, obesity passes through your parents. If you parents are obsessed, you are more likely to be obese. You may wonder how your parents got this obesity. Is it coming from your ancestors? The answer is no.  The actual reason is changing lifestyle and diet. Change is your diet and lifestyle make changes in your genes. These genes are responsible for obesity. However, these change does not immediately change. Your obesity may be the reason of your past generations long back.

Certain hormones like insulin and leptin also cause obesity in some cases. Insulin is the main hormone responsible for storing extra glucose in our body. Due to the unhealthy diet, many people suffer insulin resistance. This results in high insulin level in the body and promoting more storage of excess fat. The only solution to this problem is to control your carbs intake and be moderately active in daily life.

3 main causes of obesity in men


Behaviour is the most common factor responsible for obesity. Your food habit and diet has a significant effect on your body. Physical inactivity stores this extra calorie in our body leads to obesity. Obesity is also the result of your company and type of people you surround yourself with. If you roam around with people who are obsessed, you are more likely to get obsessed with following their lifestyle and routine.

Uncontrolled food habit and food addiction are other behavioral factors. Just like an alcoholic person does not have control over drinking, same way food addict can not control their diet, which results in obesity.

3 main causes of obesity in men


In addition to genetics and behavioral factors, few environmental factors are also responsible for obesity.  Aging is one of the common reason. Age is another factor associated with obesity. This may be the result of inactivity in some cases. Family issues cause stress and this, in turn, encourages to eat more. In this way, stress is indirectly responsible for obesity.

Certain medicines, like medicines for diabetes, and depression is also responsible causing obesity. Drug companies are sponsored by many top brands for promoting their products like fast-fat absorbing medicines. It is not worth to take such medicines before considering the actual root cause of your obesity.

Moreover, people have started eating junks more than ever before. There are varieties of junk food available in the market. This lifestyle brings significant effects on the overall health of the body. Fast foods are cheaper in comparison to healthy food. They are easily available in no time. When celebrities promote such junk foods and cold drinks, people are more likely to ignore their harmful consequences.  Now a day, coke and cold drinks have become a routine part of people’s life.

3 main causes of obesity in men


All in all, genetics, biological and environmental factors are 3 main causes of obesity in men. You need to identify actual root cause and work on it instead blindly taking medicines claiming fast fat absorption.

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